Thursday, June 17, 2010

"She had been dreaming it for years"

"She had been dreaming it for years" - Beloved by Toni Morrison


the dear Zé said...


Mary Ann said...

Is that a zodiac symbol in the stone?

Anonymous said...

Your sense for a really twisted sort of humor is unprecedented. Besides that you make me curious to read more - alas it has to wait for the next holidays...

Martina said...

Mary Ann, no, it is a mason's mark - I am always looking for them in cathedrals etc.. Usually they are not easy to photograph since most of the times flash is not allowed and I am not carrying a tripod with me. This one had a little bit of outside light. And it is a M, :-)

Markus, I am a little bit helpless with this novel - it is not an easy read (regarding its emotions and feelings) and I am feeling I am doing injustice to it with my quotes. It is like a bad dream and you wait that everone awakes - the protagonists, the reader ... not sure I would recommend it to anyone who has children, really. So everything is twisted, yes.

Caçador, yes .. not easy ... .

Martina said...

Mary Ann, btw - I am not sure if you read German, but the German wikipedia article about mason's marks is much more elaborate.

Joan Elizabeth said...

I didn't know about mason's marks though I'm not surprised. I have found out that something as humble as clay house bricks have markers marks on them too.

paulboo said...

They are very elusive little 'signatures' aren't they but all the more fascinating for that.

Martina said...

Joan Elizabeth, for billing, too? That's what is the general theory of the reasons of masons' marks is - they are for billing - hey, I did 38 stones at this cathedral!!

paulboo, one aspect of fascination for me is the fact that some real people did this - something one easily forgets in the sight of some huge Gothic cathedral. Some 900 years ago a guy (I suppose) scratched the M in the stone's surface ....

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